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My little artistic statement…

Image by DDFic
In the entryway of my cube, crowned by the ravishingly tacky 70’s lamp that I had to scam for my space once Jack D’Agostino moved (he’d found it in the 5th Floor Department Store – aka the place where everyone in our building dumped furniture they no longer wanted for their offices).
Tags : artistic, little, statement, Big Data Analytics
Question by wsxt: Have you ever put the word “challenge” or “challenging” in the objective statement of a resume?
I had a job once inputting data from resumes into a database.
Almost every resume sent to this high-tech company had some kind of statement like “seeking a challenging position …”
I figure next time I write my resume, I’m going to say that I am not really seeking a challenge, just to be different. Maybe put something like “getting out of bed in the morning is the biggest challenge I want to face.” Something like that.
Best answer:
Answer by zyp_john
I never hav negativ words in my resume.
Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!
Tags : challenge, challenging, ever, objective, resume, statement, word, Big Data Challenges