Posted by mod198 January - 13 - 2015 ADD COMMENTS

Boulder, CO (PRWEB) January 07, 2015

Enterprise Management Associates (EMA), a leading IT and data management research and consulting firm, today announced it will host a research webinar entitled “Big Data in Action: Insights across the Hybrid Enterprise,” featuring EMA managing research director, business intelligence and data warehousing, John Myers, and 9sight Consulting founder and principal, Dr. Barry Devlin.

In their newest research, Myers and Devlin build on the success of their 2012 “Big Data Comes of Age” and 2013 “Operationalizing the Buzz” research reports to explore how big data extends beyond the initial operationalization stages to the value proposition of big data in the enterprise, including the Internet of Things (lOT) and the Data Lake implementation strategy. This year’s research will provide actionable information to end-users adopting this strategy and how they are expanding the reach of big data opportunities in operational, analytical, and exploration use cases.

Attendees will learn not just the what’s of big data technologies but also the why’s of use cases, implementation strategies and technology choices, as well as discover:

Most popular use cases for big data based on project information provided in this research
How the Internet Of Things (IOT) is interacting with and impacting big data implementations
The technical and business-driven-challenges for big data
Most popular data sources for big data initiatives
How organizations are continuing the trend of implementing the EMA Hybrid Data Ecosystem (HDE) in association with their big data initiatives

The webinar is Thursday, January 15 at 12:00 p.m. Eastern. Those who wish to attend can register at:

About Enterprise Management Associates (EMA)

Founded in 1996, EMA is a leading industry analyst firm that specializes in providing deep insight across the full spectrum of IT and data management technologies. EMA analysts leverage a unique combination of practical experience, insight into industry best practices, and in-depth knowledge of current and planned vendor solutions to help clients achieve their goals. Learn more about EMA research, analysis, and consulting services for enterprise line of business users, IT professionals and IT vendors at or

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