Posted by admin November - 14 - 2014 7 COMMENTS

This is the class room training video in Durga Software Solutions. Hyderabad.
Video Rating: 5 / 5

Recorded at SpringOne2GX 2013 in Santa Clara, CA Speaker: Adam Shook This session assumes absolutely no knowledge of Apache Hadoop and will provide a complet…
Video Rating: 4 / 5

Tags : , , , , Big Data Analytics

7 Responses to “Word Count job Implementation In Hadoop”

  1. Durga Software Solutions Says:
  2. vrreddy1234 Says:

    i am trying to install hadoop on winxp 32 bit machine, i am getting runtime
    exception (while calling JNI code).. Can you please answer if hadoop can be
    installed on 32 bit windows xp machine? I even tried by building the source
    code of hadoop by changing few settings to compile native code (i think two
    folders are present for native code), i see same problem..

  3. EMC Academic Alliance Says:

    #hadoop #bigdata
    Hadoop – Just the Basics for Big Data Rookies

  4. Taofik Abdulkareem Says:
  5. techie guy Says:

    Great post. Thanks for sharing this wonderful post. You gave a nice
    introduction to Hadoop which will be very helpful for beginners. Keep
    sharing this. Anyone who want to learn big data and make it as their career
    can join Hadoop training Edureka. For details visit,

  6. vFabric Says:

    Hadoop – Just the Basics for Big Data Rookies – YouTube

  7. Tez Kurmala Says:

    Capturing voice of audience will help understand their questions and relate
    to the speaker’s answers

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