Question by lily: I have a research about Supercomputers using clustered old computers.Help?
It is a research paper on my computer class,please help me with this.
Best answer:
Answer by Computer Guy
There are many “distributed computing” projects. Almost every computer, old or new, spends many of it’s CPU cycles in the idle loop, waiting for something to happen. If you have a large computational project that can be broken up into bite-size pieces, they can be parceled out to many computers, and executed when each computer has nothing else to do.
One of the earliest and best known projects was SETI. My favorite project is looking for a cure for Tuberous Sclerosis:
Information on many projects can be found here:
Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!
Tags : about, clustered, computers.Help, Research, Supercomputers, Using, Big Data Analytics
Question by lily: I have a research about Supercomputers using clustured old computers.Help?
It is a research paper on my computer class,please help me with this.
Best answer:
Answer by Computer Guy
There are many “distributed computing” projects. Almost every computer, old or new, spends many of it’s CPU cycles in the idle loop, waiting for something to happen. If you have a large computational project that can be broken up into bite-size pieces, they can be parceled out to many computers, and executed when each computer has nothing else to do.
One of the earliest and best known projects was SETI. My favorite project is looking for a cure for Tuberous Sclerosis:
Information on many projects can be found here:
What do you think? Answer below!
Tags : about, clustured, computers.Help, Research, Supercomputers, Using, Big Data Analytics
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