Question by light star girl: How to stop image theft from my blog?
hi all,
i’ve just set up a blog and am trying to stop people downloading my pictures.
I have installed both the “”WP-prevent copy blogs”” and “”WP- copy protect”” plugins. These are supposed to disable right lcicking and copying. However, there is a big flaw with both of them…
if you click on an image to open it up to it’s full size then the plugins don’t work!
Right clicking brings up the optins to ‘save as’ as usual.
Without resorting to large watermarks, does anyone have any suggestions for plugins or workarounds that I can emply to save my work from theft.
PS, i already make sure that i save my files at a minimum resolution and every picture has meta data copyright info contained.
Best answer:
Answer by I8AShroom
There is no way to stop someone from taking an image you post online other than not posting it.
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