Posted by jaymepobre748 May - 29 - 2015 ADD COMMENTS

Orlando, FL (PRWEB) May 29, 2015

The Lupus Foundation of America, Florida Chapter (LFAFL) will be holding a series of programs at Nova Southeastern University at 4850 Millenia Blvd., Orlando, FL 32839, Room #111 on Saturday, May 30, 2015 from 10:00am through 6:30pm. These programs will feature national bestselling authors and will offer learning opportunities about lupus, one of the world’s most cruel and mysterious diseases.

Lupus is a chronic, autoimmune disease that can damage any part of the body (skin, joints, and/or organs inside the body). Its effects can range from mild to life threatening and there is no cure. This disease affects 1 in 185 people and there are about 100,000 Floridians living with lupus. Women make up 90% of lupus patients and women of color are two to three times more likely to develop lupus than Caucasians. While those who are diagnosed are generally women and girls of childbearing age (15 – 44 years old); lupus can affect anyone regardless of age, sex, or race.

LFAFL is dedicated to improving the quality of life for all people affected by lupus through research, education and advocacy. As the Lupus Foundation of America’s only Florida Chapter, we provide support, educational programs, and personalized help to the 100,000 people living with lupus in Florida and their loved ones while also supporting research to advance the science and medicine of lupus and to one day find a cure.

The schedule of events offered by LFAFL on Saturday, May 30 at Nova Southeastern University is as follows:

10:00am – 3pm: Support Group Facilitator Training

LFAFL’s support groups are regularly scheduled in-person or virtual gatherings of people living with lupus, their family, friends, or caregivers. The groups are run by trained facilitators. Those who are interested in starting a group or becoming a co-facilitator of an existing group are invited to attend this facilitator training which focuses on group dynamics, how to organize and sustain a successful support group, and LFA policies and procedures.

10:00am – 3pm: Lupus Advocate Bureau Training

This is a new program offered by LFAFL and this is the first time our organization is presenting this training. The Lupus Advocate Bureau’s (LAB) mission is to raise the awareness of lupus by sharing personal stories and accurate information about lupus and LFAFL to targeted audiences in Florida, contributing to earlier diagnosis, proper treatment, and improved prognosis for those affected by this disease. The LAB’s mission is also to heighten understanding of the need for lupus research on the state and federal level and the LFAFL’s ongoing need for financial support.

3 – 6:30pm: Lupus Q&A Seminar

This Lupus Q&A Seminar will feature the authors of the bestselling resource for lupus patients, their families, and medical professionals; Lupus Q&A. This book is the go-to guide for sufferers of lupus – 1.5 million people in the United States alone. Dr. Robert Lahita and Dr. Robert Phillips—leading experts on lupus—discuss topics in a clear, concise, and easy-to-follow Q&A format. Lahita and Phillips review the newest drugs and explore beneficial complementary and alternative treatments, including new data on hormone use. Demystifying everything from diagnosis to the disease’s psychological impact, Lupus Q&A prepares readers to face the challenges ahead—and to restore their health and their lives.

This is an event not to be missed as it provides incredible opportunities for learning more about this disease and how community members throughout the state can make an impact. There is no fee to register or attend any of these programs. Registrants are not required to attend all of the events throughout the day in order to participate; however, if attending multiple programs, registration for each separate program is required.

For more information and to register, please visit Any questions can be directed to or call 561-279-8606.

More Challenges Press Releases

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Posted by mod198 November - 5 - 2014 ADD COMMENTS

New York, NY (PRWEB) September 22, 2014

David Kedmey, President and Co-Founder of EidoSearch, has been selected to speak at the 2014 International Federation of Technical Analysts (IFTA) conference, a global organization of Technical Analysis Societies and Associations. The conference will take place on October 9th -11th at the Waldorf Hilton Hotel in central London. The theme of the conference “Unravelling the DNA of the Market” will explore some of the underlying causes of market behavior.    

Mr. Kedmey, an expert on the topic of applying advanced information processing techniques to the Big Data challenges in financial services, will address “The Application of Pattern Search Technology in Finance.”

“I am delighted that the organizational committee has recognized the importance of using pattern search technology in finance and selected EidoSearch to take part in the IFTA Conference,” said Mr. Kedmey. “I look forward to sharing how we are able to use price, economic and market trends from the past to predict return distributions and outcomes today.”

The 2014 IFTA conference will be hosted by The Society of Technical Analysts (STA) and as stated in the program,“It is always taken as a given by technical analysts that markets move in trends and, within these trends, certain patterns and ratios reoccur more often than the laws of chance would allow for. Very little work has been done by the technical analysis community into looking at why clearly defined patterns and ratios keep on reappearing. The STA thought this conference would be a good opportunity to spend some time analyzing the underlying drivers of price behavior.”

IFTA is an international non-profit professional organization with member societies in more than 26 countries. For additional information or to register, please visit to For further information on EidoSearch, or to schedule an interview with David Kedmey, contact David Allen, dallen(at)eidosearch(dot)com.

About EidoSearch

EidoSearch harnesses the power of pattern search technology to generate predictive analytics and profitable insights. Our customers include some of the largest financial firms in the world, that use our powerful software as a search and discovery tool to help their traders, analysts and portfolio managers to better manage risk and to make more informed investment decisions.

EidoSearch is headquartered in Toronto, with offices in New York and Boston.

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Posted by BlairMABEL25 November - 28 - 2012 ADD COMMENTS

Palo Alto, CA (PRWEB) November 01, 2012

Seeking new revenue streams and operational efficiencies, many businesses are re-tooling their infrastructure, development and operations to deploy applications into private clouds. However, the challenges of legacy architecture, up-front investment requirements, and team skills have been obstacles to wider acceptance of cloud initiatives. WSO2 Vice President of Technology Evangelism Chris Haddad will explore how early private cloud adopters are realizing a multitude of benefits at Cloud Computing West 2012. The conference runs November 8-9, 2012 at the DoubleTree Suites in Santa Monica, CA.

In his presentation, Investing in Cloud Initiatives, Chris will examine how early private cloud adopters are successfully adapting their IT business models, vendor-provided infrastructure, and practices to gain cloud benefits. Additionally, Chris will outline:

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