Posted by BlairMABEL25 September - 25 - 2014 ADD COMMENTS

Today all leading organizations are rapidly gaining power by leveraging data to gain insights and drive business decisions. Predictive Analytics is a powerful statistical technique by which data from past behavior is analyzed to make predictions about future. Business Analytics on the other hand, comprises of simpler analytics techniques to evaluate business performance.

Although analytics as a function is quickly becoming core to business, there appears to be a huge gap in analytical talent. A recent study by Accenture published a month ago, found the top in-demand skill gap for US Workers as problem solving, analytical skills and managerial skills. Another source of truth, McKinsey Global Institute’s report on Big Data predicts shortage of 1.5mm analysts/managers who can make data driven decisions (by 2018, in the US).

On the other side, we see some universities starting to offer degree in Analytics. North Carolina State University and Northwestern University are two of the well-known universities that have started Master’s degree in Analytics. Stanford and many other universities offer professional development courses through their statistics, data mining, or other departments. But these programs tend to be somewhat academic and more appropriate for professionals looking to get into data scientist or advance analytics roles.

There is still a big gap in truly making analytics accessible to business professionals who are already in the job and are making decisions that can be improved by using analytics. For these busy professional, there needs to be short business analytics training.

We at Aryng recognized this gap and have brought together a unique business analytics training program to address the skill gap.  Aryng’s business analytics workshop marries years of practical business experience with technical data analysis skills to deliver a short course to quickly ramp-up professionals in data-driven decision making process. In order to introduce business professional to more advance topics, we have a short predictive Analytics workshop covering fundamentals of predictive analytics, terminologies, case studies from Fortune 100 companies and live model building demo.

Our next Analytics workshop, hosted at Grand Hyatt in San Francisco, starts February 22 to 24, 2012. It is for any professional wanting to learn analytics to make better decisions based on data. The workshop is divided into two parts: Hands-on Business Analytics Workshop and Introduction to Predictive Analytics Workshop.

This program: 2-days of business analytics workshop and 1-day of predictive analytics workshop – not only serves as a as a great primer for business professionals new to analytics but also complete refresher for any seasoned analyst. The instructors are senior analytics executives from Fortune 100 companies like PayPal, Capital One, Adobe, and HSBC, who have come together and packaged the essentials of their analytics careers. This trove of knowledge is presented in a simple, hands-on manner, for easy learning by both Business and Analytics professionals in a short, 3-day time period.

If you are a business professional, looking to give your career a boost, by making smarter decision, sign up today for this unique, 3-day Predictive Analytics and Business Analytics Training!

Piyanka Jain, CEO of Aryng, former Head of Business Analytics at PayPal NA, is an established analytics thought leader and acclaimed keynote speaker at business and analytics conferences. For more information about Aryng, go to

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