Posted by admin December - 6 - 2012 ADD COMMENTS

Visit for more High Performance Computing Resources. Eric Wernert discusses Scalable Distributed Visualization Using ParaView at the Virtual Summer School for Computational Science and Engineering at NCSA, summer 2010
Video Rating: 5 / 5

EnFuzionĀ® Distributed Computing for Render Farms ...

Michael Duffy, President and CEO of Axceleon, showcases their flagship product, EnFuzionĀ® at SIGGRAPH 2009. EnFuzion is a distributed computing application used in Grid and Cloud Computing and for Studio Render Farms. It is a behind-the-scenes application, running behind the firewall, that optimizes hardware utilization for artists and animators to reduce rendering time, and make it easier for artist and graphics directors to get their jobs completed. Visit for a free trail of the software, and for additional artist and animator resources.
Video Rating: 5 / 5

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