Posted by jaymepobre748 April - 7 - 2015 ADD COMMENTS

New York, NY (PRWEB) April 07, 2015

JethroData, provider of the fastest SQL-on-Hadoop solution in the market, today announced the general availability of its flagship software. A major innovation delivering up to 100 times faster queries, JethroData’s unique indexing technology enables companies to harvest their Big Data at the speed of business. JethroData works with popular business intelligence (BI) solutions, including Qlik, Tableau and MicroStrategy to enable their users faster access to analyze their Big Data in Hadoop.

Unique Architecture Enables Truly Interactive Business Intelligence on Hadoop

JethroData’s unique vision combines search engine indexing technology with modern column store database design into a single solution. The resulting product addresses the growing business need for storing vast amounts of data while providing lightning-fast queries. JethroData’s breakthrough full-indexing technology enables BI users to enjoy interactive responses with Big Data. JethroData works seamlessly with any BI tool through a standard ODBC/JDBC interface, and is compatible with Hadoop distributions from Cloudera, Hortonworks, MapR and Amazon.

“Big Data users need to focus in on specific slices of diverse data sources which are useful for answering business questions without losing sight of the bigger picture. Qlik’s products are about building these specific apps downstream from the big data system,” said Les Bonney, COO at Qlik, a JethroData partner. “JethroData brings significant performance advances to accessing data in Hadoop, which combined with the Qlik associative experience, will enable our customers to continue discovering business value from their data – regardless of the variety or volume.”

“Our query performance on big data residing in Hadoop has improved dramatically since we started using JethroData,” said Slava Borodovsky, Senior Director of Business Intelligence at Fiverr and a JethroData customer since 2014. “This validates our initial belief that JethroData is the superior approach to other solutions we have tried. We are now implementing JethroData in our BI infrastructure to give us better insights into Fiverr users’ behavior.”

“Until today, customers using Hadoop benefited from its great scalability but had to sacrifice query performance,” said Eli Singer, JethroData’s co-founder and CEO. “This made Hadoop unsuitable for interactive BI, requiring companies to maintain an enterprise data warehouse (EDW) in parallel to their Hadoop infrastructure. The release of JethroData in GA now allows enterprises to benefit from both worlds: Big Data and lightning-fast querying, using one infrastructure: Hadoop.”

To learn more, and download a free trial of the JethroData product, please visit:

About JethroData

JethroData’s index-based SQL engine for big data delivers the fastest analytics on Hadoop and Amazon S3, enabling ad-hoc queries, live dashboards and interactive BI. JethroData customers enjoy the scalability of Hadoop with the performance of an analytical database, in one system. JethroData is headquartered in NYC and backed by world-class investors.

To learn more, go to:

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