Posted by mod198 August - 4 - 2015 ADD COMMENTS

Medically known as urticaria, hives is an ailment of the skin which causes rings and patches all over the body. Hives are caused by a chemical termed as histamine, which is why red blotches form on the skin surface. These appear in groups and are generally red in color. Hives appear in different sizes, varying on how serious the illness is. It is usually caused when a person is allergic to a particular thing. These may be a particular medicine, nuts, eggs, berries, insect bites, jelly fish, etc. at times, it also occurs due to tight clothes, exposure to extreme weather, hereditary or even sweat. The most common symptoms of hives are swelling on the affected region, itchiness, pain and difficulty in doing routine activity. However, hives can be cured at home retreating to the natural remedies. Learn how to treat hives at home.

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Although the causes of hives are going to change, the symptoms that you have with them are not. These are raised areas that can be red or white and vary in size. Sometimes they are single, and sometimes they come up in groups. Most of the time, your hives are just going to just fade out, but sometimes they will erupt. You should also note that their can be a burning or stinging affect in the area that you have the hives. The itching of these hives can be very small to very severe.


In most cases, hives do not need any kind of treatment at all. There are some different medications you can take that have been affective hive treatment options in the past, but normally you just have to wait it out. The only time that you have to worry is when you find that the hives are starting to cut off your airways. If your have hives in your mouth or around your neck that are starting to make it hard to breath, then you need to go see your doctor. That is because, if the hives swell anymore, it could become impossible for you to breath.


Home Remedies for Hives

To get rid of the itchiness you can apply calamine lotion, it will provide your body with instant relief.
Itchy feeling can also removed by making use of milk of magnesia.
Taking bath with warm water can provide you with great relief. At the same time if you put in the water a bit of cornstarch and baking soda and soak yourself for at least an hour, you will be amazed to see the results.
Apply vitamin E oil or aloe vera gel on the affected areas can also help.
Intake as much Vitamin E, C as you can.
There are many kinds of tea you can drink and they prove to be very effective, such as herbal tea, passionflower, peppermint, valerian, chamomile and catnip.
It is always recommended to apply cool compression on the affected areas.
A long bath with extremely cold water and after that few minutes under fan can result in great relief.
Taking all these hives home remedies into account can help you perfectly in getting rid of hives fast and easy.

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Posted by jaymepobre748 May - 26 - 2015 ADD COMMENTS

If you ever have had hives, you know how important a cure for hives can be. Nothing itches worse than a full blown case of hives. We will look at what hives are and the different causes are known to be. We will also look at some of the various types of cures.

What are Hives?

Hives are when your skin breaks out in small light red bumps very suddenly. They are usually an allergic reaction to foods, medicines, or some other reasons. We will further discuss the causes for hives later. These allergy hives can make you itch, sting, or burn.

The breakout can occur anywhere on the body even your face and lips. The itching is what drives all people with hives to search out a hives treatment. Hives can itch bad enough to drive you up the wall. The main thing with finding the right cure though is not just the itching, but to get rid of the hives too.

What are Hives Caused From?

Hives can be caused by numerous things including food allergies, animal dander such as with cats, bites from insects, medications, pollen, emotional stress, extreme exposure to sun or the cold, an excess of perspiration, certain illnesses, and some infections. The symptoms are usually itching or swelling of your skin with welts that are either red or skin tone.

How to Cure Hives

One way to cure hives is locating what is causing them and then quit eating or doing what the cause it. In the meantime though you may need some help with the symptoms. There are various ways to go about treating these outbreaks. We need to examine some of the many types of hives treatment that is available to you today.

One of the main ways that doctors deal with hives is to prescribe antihistamines for you to take. Most of which make you very drowsy. The antihistamines help you quit itching while the hives go away. But the drowsy side effects can make it hard for you to get through your daily routine. You just want a nap!

Another cure for hives is messy creams and ointments that you have to apply. These are fine for getting rid of the itch, but they could come off on your clothes. Again, some of these can have side effects if you have to use them more than a few days.

Luckily today, there are many natural cures can be found for the hives. A natural cure for hives is gentle to your system and gives off now side effects. It does not matter whether you have contacted hives or other types of hives, 100% natural cures will be effective and safe to use.

I think after reading this information you can see how much a natural cure for hives will benefit you. Search the Internet to see how many of these natural cures are available to you today. You will be very pleased you this way to get rid of your itchy problem.

Jacob Krumgalz
The best natural cure for hives that I used myself and highly recommend.

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Posted by jaymepobre748 April - 4 - 2015 ADD COMMENTS

Are you tired of breaking out in hives? Did you know that about 20% of the world’s population gets hives? So you are not alone in searching for the right cure for hives for you. There are many medical remedies for the itchy feeling hives give you. In fact, most medications are just to relieve the symptoms of hives not to cure them totally.

Have you wandered what are hives? They are a rash that breaks out because histamines are released. These are a reaction to some kind of stimuli. Sometimes it can be exposure to a food, animal, or something else you are allergic to. Other times, hives can be brought on by stress, cold, or heat.

There are various degrees of hives, some are just mild while some outbreaks are quite severe. If you have hives and start having trouble breathing you need to get to the doctor or hospital, this is a sign of a serious allergic reaction that could be life threatening. The treatment for this is usually a shot of epinephrine (which is adrenaline) or sometimes steroids. Hives can flare up in your throat too making it hard to breathe.

Now for the real mild cases of hives even an oatmeal bath can be a great hives treatment. Other topical applications can be used that you can get over the counter at the drugstores. But beware of some of these creams or ointments they could have side effects that you will not like. You may want to look for natural products instead, they have virtually no side effects. Where comfortable clothes that do not fit too tight so they will not irritate your hives.

Now for more serious hives, the doctor will prescribe an antihistamine for the itching. But these can bring on drowsiness and confusion. Some people get so affected by these that they can’t drive and need to almost go straight to bed. Why put yourself through that when natural cures are out there for your allergy hives or contact hives.

Many natural ingredients exist today to combat the swelling, itching, and pain that comes with hives. These ingredients don’t cause you any problems or harm either. They not only treat the symptoms of hives but they make the hives go away! Most medications don’t do that.

Are you asking what some of these natural ingredients are? Here is a list of some ingredients to look for in a cure for hives:

Ichthyolum is used to reduce inflammation and the pain.

Lachesis is used to relieve the skin’s sensitivity, and it is useful in soothing the burning feeling, the swelling, and the pain.

Apis Mellifica is used for to relieve the uncomfortable itching, swelling, and stinging.

Now these are just few of the natural ingredients found in an organically base cure for hives. There are several other beneficial ingredients that go into making the right hives treatment. So read the ingredients of what you buy to make sure you have the cure that will benefit you the most.

Cure Hives the Natural Way and get relief.
Jacob Krumgalz

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Posted by gildenshelton565 September - 20 - 2014 ADD COMMENTS

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