- Used Book in Good Condition
How can you tap into the wealth of social web data to discover who’s making connections with whom, what they’re talking about, and where they’re located? With this expanded and thoroughly revised edition, you’ll learn how to acquire, analyze, and summarize data from all corners of the social web, including Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Google+, GitHub, email, websites, and blogs.Employ the Natural Language Toolkit, NetworkX, and other scientific computing tools to mine popular social web
List Price: $ 44.99
Tags : Data, Facebook, GitHub, Google+, LinkedIn, mining, More, Social, Twitter, Big Data Challenges
Big Data: Why Facebook Knows Us Better Than Our Therapist
With technology able to predict buying behaviour, relationship statuses, and now personality traits, data-driven intelligence is advancing. In the near future getting to know a complete stranger will be no more difficult than a few clicks of the keypad …
Read more on Forbes
Big Data and Privacy: 1 Year Out
Last January, recognizing that innovative big data technologies and tools are changing our economy, our government, and our society, President Obama charged me with leading a 90-day review of big data and privacy. Our working group found that we live …
Read more on The White House (blog)
4 Lessons for Every Entrepreneur Creating Big Data Solutions
In working with the students to apply Big Data concepts and techniques to their use cases, I came away with a few observations that could be applied by any entrepreneur. … Companies have big investments in their data and technology environments.
Read more on Entrepreneur
Tags : Better, Big, Data, Facebook, Knows, Than, Therapist, Big Data Opportunities