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Article by Kate

The father of Hadoop participate in Chinese 2011 for cloud computing conference – Careers

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The institute of computing technology, the Chinese academy of sciences sponsored Hadoop China 2011 cloud computation conference (Hadoop in China 2011, HiC2011) will be on December 2, to 3, in Beijing convention center, this will be Hadoop in China community an annual technology event! Conference will be united international and domestic Hadoop and cloud Computing technology application success enterprise, and introduce the international research field for cloud Computing and DISC (Data Intensive Super Computing) research direction of academic point of view. Through the technical application and scientific research double cloud computing technology perspective and Hadoop open source ecological system present situation and development trend.

Doug Cutting, Apache software foundation Hadoop, chairman of the father of the”

The father of Hadoop first visit to participate in exchange

Congress special invited Lucene, Nutch, Hadoop, the father of the open source software, Apache software foundation chairman and ApacheHadoop project director Mr. DougCutting; Condor founder University of Wisconsin–Madison’s MironLivny professor; GOOGLE, facebook, and many other experts site speech communication, some experts to is for the first time in China for communication.

In recent years, more and more domestic and foreign Internet companies and traditional enterprises have realized data bring the potential value of the asset scale. To Hadoop, as a representative of the mass data Processing (BigData Processing) technology becomes mature makes “business is king” to “data is king” to change. Such as clean out treasure of the company’s “data cube” application, which based on the analysis of the transaction data and mining, provide dynamic hot line industry and market development trend of depth data services. Mass data processing technology development often beyond imagination. Take the user has 600 million of Facebook, for example, mass data processing more toward the real-time, on the ETL (Extract, Transform, Load) from the original delay of 24 to 48 hours evolution to less than 10 seconds to meet online and real time data analysis needs. Can see “if performance not meet demand is the function is lost” such a system design guiding ideology. In addition, the scale of the data without appropriate “digging treasure tool” is unable to reflect its value. Information retrieval, content mining, natural language processing, data visualization, calculation of advertising, geographic information system, etc all use Hadoop technology research and development from the data to value of all kinds of tools, and played the “mass data digging treasure” role.

The prosperity of Hadoop community to see. More and more companies at home and abroad to participate in community development Hadoop, or directly to the use of open source software online. This greatly promote the Hadoop technology in domestic promoted development, expanded the mass data processing of should use range. We are delighted to see images of passion flesh research Hadoop, this year’s VLDB appearing several articles and MapReduce/Hadoop related papers. This shows Hadoop and many can improve the place can be improved. On the other hand, some business software also be in to Hadoop technology draws close, compatible Hadoop software stack. At the same time, there was a group of both at home and abroad to provide technical advice and service Hadoop, Hadoop mass data processing technology of commercial value gradually get the attention of the industry.

Mass data digging treasure

Hadoopin China assembly has four th, this year’s conference theme is “mass data digging treasure”. Hope to “is the most meticulous detail, the research and development direct exchange interaction” make the congress to “understand the actual demand, listen to master, promote the application practice, point to carry forward the spirit of open source” purposes. The more hope that through HiC2011 congress with more grassroots Hadoop hero!!!!!

About the Author

I’m Kate , which offers quality products such as Led Solar Street Lights, LED Tunnel Light Manufacturer, and many more. Know more , please visit LED FloodLights .

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