Posted by admin October - 26 - 2012 ADD COMMENTS

Reliable Distributed Computing with the Isis Toolkit

Reliable Distributed Computing with the Isis Toolkit

Reliable Distributed Computing with the Isis Toolkit presents technical results documenting various internal aspects of Isis along with less technical results illustrating how systems are used to develop closely coupled and fault-tolerant application environments. The text consists of 20 papers that document Isis and describe its important applications. The first section deals with the underlying ideas of the Isis system. The second section describes design alternatives, the Horus system, integr

List Price: $ 117.00


Pattern-Oriented Software Architecture Volume 4: A Pattern Language for Distributed Computing (v. 4)

Pattern-Oriented Software Architecture Volume 4: A Pattern Language for Distributed Computing (v. 4)

The eagerly awaited Pattern-Oriented Software Architecture (POSA) Volume 4 is about a pattern language for distributed computing.The authors will guide you through the best practices and introduce you to key areas of building distributed software systems. POSA 4 connects many stand-alone patterns, pattern collections and pattern languages from the existing body of literature found in the POSA series. Such patterns relate to and are useful for distributed computing to a single language.The panel

List Price: $ 60.00


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