Posted by gildenshelton565 May - 13 - 2015 ADD COMMENTS

Washington, D.C., (PRWEB) October 29, 2014

The Big Data and Enterprise Architecture Conference, to be held by the non-profit Data Management Forum on November 19-21, 2014, in Washington, D.C., is a premier event that shows how breakthroughs in Big Data, Data Warehousing methods, tools and approaches are shaping enterprise architecture within major corporations, governments and businesses on a world-wide basis, while citing from practical applications developed in various industries. It will describe how Big Data—and unstructured data in particular—will vastly influence the Data Management world over the next few years.

Speakers involved with DAMA, NASA, IBM, National Science Foundation, DARPA, National Institutes of Health, Dept. of Defense and White House Presidential Initiative on BIG DATA Research and Development and similar organizations dealing with Big Data issues will discuss some of the most successful programs that promise to greatly improve the tools and techniques needed to access, organize, and glean discoveries from huge volumes of digital data. Such programs hold the promise to solve the Nation’s most pressing challenges using Big Data Technologies in Education; Science; Defense/Intelligence; Biomedical Research; Computing; Energy; and in many more major arenas.

On Friday, the main seminar day, The 2014 Data Warehouse and Enterprise Architecture conference speaker list showcases topics in big data, analytics, enterprise architecture and data warehousing. Bill Inmon, the “Father of Data Warehousing” will present the keynote address, concerning the role of unstructured data in the big data world. Bill describes how some important innovative architectural features are intertwined – the life cycle of data, the need to connect unstructured data with structured data, the need to tightly couple metadata with the warehouse itself, the need for an enterprise metadata repository – all these features are vitally important for the next generation of data warehousing – and all are important to accommodate the needs for big data and analytics.

As an example of the power of NoSQL DB s in handling ANY kind of data—BIG or small—Mr. Norman T. Kutemperor (who has been called the “Father of NoSQL”), of Scientel will present an enhanced Enterprise Content Management & Search (ECMS) solution based on Scientel’s Gensonix NoSQL DB for structured and unstructured Big Data. ECMS can store, organize, and access at many levels virtually any kind of digitized data that an organization wants to track cost-effectively.

It will also focus on how its Gensonix NoSQL DB stores structured/unstructured data in Relational, Network, and Document formats, and is ideal for business, scientific, medical, etc., environments, as well as raw data analysis applications.

Other primary aspects will also be described, such as: Gensonix utilizes the NSQL® language; is native to low level languages such as C; supports many intrinsic functions; and performs easy recursive database/computing operations. Supporting multi-dimensional array processing, Gensonix is capable of very efficient analysis of vast amounts of structured and unstructured data at ultrahigh speeds. Gensonix also runs on Large Data Warehouse Appliance configurations and scales to large numbers of multiprocessor nodes.

Brief example case studies to be presented will show how: (a) Gensonix is faster and more economical in both development and production environments; (b) Gensonix can tackle complex problems that are difficult or nearly impossible with certain other types of database solutions; (c) Gensonix fully processes Trillion-record level large data tables without the use of table joins; (d) Scientel’s Gensonix-based ECMS can perform comprehensive, Enterprise-wide, cost-effective, management of ALL digitized data—“Big” or not.; (e) Gensonix can handle Big Data transactional data at speeds in excess of 1 Million transactions/minute, with R&D focusing on speeds much larger on LDWA equipment.

About Scientel Information Technology, Inc.

Scientel Information Technology, Inc. is a U.S.-based, international, systems technology company, operational since 1977. Scientel also designs/produces highly optimized high end servers, which can be bundled with its “GENSONIX® ENTERPRISE” DBMS software, as a single-source supplier of complete systems for Big Data environments. Scientel also customizes hardware and software for specific applications resulting in higher performance


Scientel’s specialty is advanced NoSQL DBMS design and applications/systems integration for advanced business processes. This includes applications for Big Data, commercial intranets, Supply Chain management, IT consulting, support, etc., along with “beyond mainframe-level” Large Data Warehouse Appliance hardware/systems.

GENSONIX® allows very user-friendly data manipulation capabilities found in standard, SQL-based, database management systems, but it goes beyond. It is truly an “ALL-in-One SQL” — an “All Data Management System” in the form of an ultra-flexible, NoSQL DBMS of perfectly general capabilities and application potentials. It can also function in concert with mainline SQL systems to efficiently handle both structured and unstructured data as a large data warehouse repository. However, it can handle heavy database loads by itself with the aid of the GENSONIX® NSQL©™ query/procedural language. GENSONIX® supports both telnet as well as http interfaces. GENSONIX® is capable of handling trillions of rows/transactions for billions of customers, which is a huge advantage in “truly Big Data” structured applications.

Business customers can take advantage of Scientel’s capabilities in advanced Business Intelligence and Data Analytics to grow their business by handling Big Data more cost-effectively and with greater insights to remain competitive. Scientific, government, and similar organizations can use these capabilities to efficiently process Big Data, instead of being swamped by it. And, Scientel’s Enterprise Content Management & Search solutions can vastly simplify storage, access, and management of any kind of digitized data for any size organization.

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Posted by BlairMABEL25 February - 7 - 2015 ADD COMMENTS

Washington, D.C., November 21,2014 (PRWEB) November 25, 2014

The Big Data and Enterprise Architecture Conference was held by the non-profit Data Management Forum on November 19-21, 2014, in Washington, D.C. This was a premier event that showed how breakthroughs in Big Data, Data Warehousing methods, tools and approaches are shaping enterprise architecture within major corporations, governments and businesses on a world-wide basis, while citing from practical applications developed in various industries. It described how Big Data—and unstructured data in particular—will vastly influence the Data Management world over the next few years.

Speakers involved with DAMA, NASA-Jet Propulsion Lab, IBM, National Science Foundation, and similar organizations dealing with Big Data issues discussed some of the most successful programs that will greatly improve the tools and techniques needed to access, organize, and glean discoveries from huge volumes of digital data. Such programs hold the promise to solve the Nation’s most pressing challenges using Big Data Technologies in Education; Science; Defense/Intelligence; Biomedical Research; Computing; Energy; and in many more major arenas.

On Friday, the main seminar day, The 2014 Data Warehouse and Enterprise Architecture conference agenda listed showcase topics in Big Data, Analytics, Enterprise Architecture and Data Warehousing. Bill Inmon, the “Father of Data Warehousing”, presented the keynote address, concerning the role of unstructured data in the big data world. Bill described how some important innovative architectural features are intertwined – the life cycle of data, the need to connect unstructured data with structured data, the need to tightly couple metadata with the warehouse itself, the need for an enterprise metadata repository – all these features are vitally important for the next generation of data warehousing – and all are important to accommodate the needs for Big Data and Analytics.

As an example of the power of NoSQL DB in handling ANY type of Big Data, Mr. Norman T. Kutemperor (who has been called the “Father of NoSQL”), of Scientel also presented an enhanced Enterprise Content Management & Search (ECMS) solution based on Scientel’s Gensonix NoSQL DB for the varieties of unstructured Big Data. ECMS can store, organize, and access at many levels virtually any kind of digitized data that an organization wants to track cost-effectively.

Scientel’s presentation also focused on how its Gensonix NoSQL DB –a “polymorphic” DB — stores structured/unstructured data in Relational, Network, and Document formats, and is ideal for business, scientific, medical, etc., environments, as well as raw data analysis applications.

Polymorphism is the ability of an entity to behave like more than 1 of its counterparts given a set of circumstances or criteria; or, the provision of a single interface (a shared boundary across which separate components of a computer system exchange information) to entities of different types. In other words, in a polymorphic DB, you can use a relational approach when that is appropriate, hierarchical when that is, and so on. No one paradigm is fully implemented, but the DB uses enough of the features/capabilities needed to provide a reasonable solution to a problem.

It was noted that Gensonix has 7 main key features: Multi-modeling, Document stores, NSQL Language, SQL queries, Transaction Tables with OLTP, MPP on HPC and Never-Slow technology—ALL in a single DB! This identifies Gensonix as truly a polymorphic DB which allows it to behave like another DB in other instances.

Other primary aspects were also described, such as: Gensonix utilizes the NSQL® language; is native to low level languages such as C; supports many intrinsic functions; and performs easy recursive database/computing operations. Supporting multi-dimensional array processing, Gensonix is capable of very efficient analysis of vast amounts of structured and unstructured data at ultrahigh speeds. Gensonix also runs on Large Data Warehouse Appliance configurations and scales to large numbers of multiprocessor nodes.

Brief example case studies were presented that showed how: (a) Gensonix is faster and more economical in both development and production environments; (b) Gensonix can tackle complex problems that are difficult or nearly impossible with certain other types of database solutions; (c) Gensonix fully processes Trillion-record level large data tables without the use of table joins; (d) Scientel’s Gensonix-based ECMS can perform comprehensive, Enterprise-wide, cost-effective, management of ALL digitized data—“Big” or not.; (e) Gensonix can handle Big Data transactional data at speeds in excess of 2 Million transactions/minute on a single node, with speeds much larger on LDWA equipment.

About Scientel Information Technology, Inc.

Scientel Information Technology, Inc. is a U.S.-based, international, systems technology company, operational since 1977. Scientel also designs/produces highly optimized high end servers, which can be bundled with its “GENSONIX® ENTERPRISE” DBMS software, as a single-source supplier of complete systems for Big Data environments. Scientel also customizes hardware and software for specific applications resulting in higher performance.

Scientel’s specialty is advanced NoSQL DBMS design and applications/systems integration for advanced business processes. This includes applications for Big Data, commercial intranets, Supply Chain management, IT consulting, support, etc., along with “beyond mainframe-level” Large Data Warehouse Appliance hardware/systems.

GENSONIX® allows very user-friendly data manipulation capabilities found in standard, SQL-based, database management systems, but it goes beyond. It is truly an “ALL-in-One SQL” — an “All Data Management System” in the form of an ultra-flexible, NoSQL DBMS of perfectly general capabilities and application potentials. It can also function in concert with mainline SQL systems to efficiently handle both structured and unstructured data as a large data warehouse repository. However, it can handle heavy database loads by itself with the aid of the GENSONIX® NSQL©™ query/procedural language. GENSONIX® supports both telnet as well as http interfaces. GENSONIX® is capable of handling trillions of rows/transactions for billions of customers, which is a huge advantage in “truly Big Data” structured applications.

Business customers can take advantage of Scientel’s capabilities in advanced Business Intelligence and Data Analytics to grow their business by handling Big Data more cost-effectively and with greater insights to remain competitive. Scientific, government, and similar organizations can use these capabilities to efficiently process Big Data, instead of being swamped by it. And, Scientel’s Enterprise Content Management & Search solutions can vastly simplify storage, access, and management of any kind of digitized data for any size organization.

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