- Hive Carbon is needed to use this expansion
- Adds depth and complexity
- Expansion for the MENSA Select game
Hive Pillbug Carbon is a new pair of tiles that can be added to Hive. The pillbug moves like the queen bee – one space at a time – but it also has a special ability that it may use instead of moving. This ability allows the pillbug to move an adjacent un-stacked piece (whether friendly or enemy) two spaces: up on to the pillbug itself, then down into an empty space adjacent to itself.
List Price: $ 11.99
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Tags : Board, Carbon, Expansion, Game, Hive, Pillbug, Big Data Analytics
- Made by Gen42 Games – Honoured for excellence by MENSA Select
- Dr. Toy Product of Excellence Award Winner
- International Gamer Awards winner
The Ladybug moves three spaces; two on top of the Hive, then one down. It must move exactly two on top of the Hive and then move one down on its last move. It may not move around the outside of the Hive and may not end its movement on top of the Hive. Even though it cannot block by landing on top of other pieces like the Beetle, it can move into or out of surrounded spaces. It also has the advantage of being much faster. The expansion consists of two game pieces (one each for the black and for t
List Price: $ 10.99
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Tags : Expansion, Ladybug, Big Data Analytics
'Big Data' Expansion = ETF Opportunity
Technology stands to benefit from an improving macroeconomic environment, new and promising business opportunities like "big data" and "cloud computing" solutions. Moreover, underlying company valuations stand at attractive levels, particularly given …
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Big data is an opportunity to win more customers
Now add information collected by mobile devices — a burgeoning phenomenon which has opened up a new world of targeted advertising while also creating the equivalent of a virtual local mall. But what data do you really need? Which data is critical and …
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Cloud, Big Data, Analytics and Internet of Things to Become Pillars of Smart …
The convergence of the Internet of Things, cloud computing, big data and data analytics will open up new business opportunities for both building technology and information and communications technology companies, according to new research from Frost …
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Tags : 'Big, Data', Expansion, Opportunity, Big Data Opportunities