Posted by gildenshelton565 May - 21 - 2012 ADD COMMENTS

by Stefan Ledwina

Question by : Future scope of distributed computing?
Can anyone plz tell me what kind of future does distributed computing have?
m searching for this topic for an month and have understood what distributed computing exactly but dont know what to write as “future scope for distributed computing” in my seminar report!!

Best answer:

Answer by Matthew
Honestly this is one of the reasons you join a professional organization like IEEE or AAAS, so you can have access to the lastest scientific journals, news and eBooks on various topics. Oh and btw this question from a technical perspective is quite vague, but I’ll try to answer it.

Now, Distributed computing can be look at from several levels, so I’ll start with the lowest hardware. Todays and future processors (for the time being anyways) cannot operate any faster than they are now, since and the heat output would be unacceptable, for more info see Link 1. Thus there are two options either utilize a neuromorphic architecture, or put more processors on a single chip. Since the neuromorphic architechture is still in it’s infancy, the current alternative it put more core/processors on a single chip and/or utilize multiprocessor motherboards. Hence, if current and future programs what to maintain acceptable performance going into the future they need to make use of Concurrency and Parallel programming.

Now lets take a look at software, most platforms today such as Java EE, Linux, Windows, Mac just to name a few support a multitasking model, thus they allow multiple processes and threads of execution, also they allow for a shared or distributed memory model on the same computer.

Lets skip a couple levels and get to the interesting part, Clusters, Clouds and Grids. A single physical computer can only support a limited number of resources (memory, processors, graphics cards, expension slots, etc…) thus you can run only a certain class of programs on a single computer with reasonable performance. However if you add CORBA, MPI, and PVM to the mix you are no longer limited to a single computer or a single operating system. Thus any network of computers and operating systems can work together as one computer, solving problems no single computer ever could (in a reasonable amount of time that is).


The short answer to your question a very long, interesting a fruitful future. To be honest where only now beginning to tap the potential computing reservoir as far is distributed computing is concerned, the possibilities are only limited by ones imagination.

PS: Check out the following programming languages they support concurrency, or distributed programming in some way or the other;


they may be other, but these one are at the tip of my tongue.

Hope this gives you a new perspective on distributed computing.
Enjoy lol!!!

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