Albany, NY (PRWEB) October 10, 2014
‘Mobile Data Pricing: Innovative Practices to Drive Adoption and Traffic,’ a new Research Report by Pyramid Research, provides a strategic analysis of the mobile data opportunity across different regions through 2018, and keys to developing the mobile data business.
The report includes an in-depth assessment of mobile service provider pricing plans worldwide, identifying effective data plans and best practices to grow mobile data usage and revenue. The report incorporates detailed country case analyses for China, France, India, Japan, the UK and the US, with examples of a variety of pricing schemes from different market environments and types of players.
View Full Report at http://www.marketresearchreports.biz/analysis/225408
Key Findings
Mobile data has emerged as the single most important driver of telecom revenue growth. Pyramid Research forecasts that mobile data revenue will reach $ 633bn globally in 2018, increasing from 40% of overall mobile revenue in 2013 to 52% in 2018. Asia-Pacific, the world’s most populous region, which accounted for 37.8% of the world’s mobile data revenue in 2013, should lead this expansion.
Increasing uptake of 4G data services will shape future mobile data usage and adoption. We expect the global 4G subscription base to surge at a CAGR of 52%, from 211 million in 2013 to 1,750 million in 2018. Almost all major MNOs have already deployed or are in the process of deploying their own 4G networks.
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The transformation of mobile operator business models is evident in their pricing strategies. With mobile voice revenue on the decline, operators are increasingly selling mobile data; unlimited voice and text messaging services are thrown into data bundles that are priced by their different bandwidth allowances, as well as into quadruple-play bundles. Innovative pricing schemes that are resulting in increased data traffic and revenue include shared data plans, specialized tariff plans (for premium content, specific applications and social media) and tariffs that cover the cost of mobile devices.
Prepaid data plans are further extending the mobile data proposition to consumer segments with low data usage and increasing mobile data consumption, particularly in emerging markets. Similarly, partnerships with mobile device manufacturers as well as OTT players are accelerating mobile data adoption in these markets.
Smaller operators and new entrants have gained significant market share with disruptive pricing strategies that involve lowered data tariffs and unlimited data plans. Most rely on Wi-Fi offloading to reduce costs, but EBITDA margins have been affected as a result, except when offered by larger operators in emerging markets where volumes have made up for the difference.
“Mobile Data Pricing: Innovative Practices to Drive Adoption and Traffic ” a new Research Report by Pyramid Research, provides a strategic analysis of the mobile data opportunity across different regions through 2019, and keys to developing the mobile data business. The report includes an in-depth assessment of mobile service provider pricing plans worldwide, identifying effective data plans and best practices to grow mobile data usage and revenue. The report incorporates detailed country case analyses for China, France, India, Japan, the UK and the US, with examples of a variety of pricing schemes from different market environments and types of players.
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The report has three main sections:
Strategic business analysis, where we look at the contribution of mobile data to overall operator revenues; in addition, we analyze the major mobile data adoption trends in key countries and by region and look at how they are likely to pan out in the future.
Mobile data pricing strategies, where we analyze the different mobile data strategies being implemented by operators in order to increase mobile data usage and maximize revenue; we also identify best practices.
Country case studies, where we look in depth at pricing strategies and tariff plans of operators in China, France, India, Japan, the UK and the US.
Browse Other Published Reports By Pyramid Research at http://www.marketresearchreports.biz/publisher/104
Reasons To Buy
This Research Report provides a broad but detailed analysis of the mobile data opportunity worldwide, supporting industry players’ business planning efforts.
The report should help mobile operators build innovative, effective pricing strategies to drive mobile data usage and revenue.
The report offers a wealth of pricing data from different types of operators across the world, including case studies on China, France, India, Japan, the UK and the US examine a wide variety of innovative pricing strategies in actual use by operators.
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