Posted by mod198 April - 30 - 2012 3 COMMENTS

IBM’s David Barnes and IDC’s Dan Vesset highlight some of the biggest opportunities around big data, and how companies can harness it to their advantage.
Video Rating: 5 / 5

Tim O’Reilly (O’Reilly Media, Inc.), “O’Reilly Radar”
Video Rating: 5 / 5

Tags : , , , Big Data Opportunities

3 Responses to “Exploring Big Data Opportunities”

  1. vechorik Says:

    When OReilly comes on, I switch to Fox BUSINESS News and watch Judge Andrew Napolitano on “Freedom Watch.” I get the news of the day and learn about the Constitution! What a deal!

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  3. phenylphenol Says:

    Seeing some similarities with this talk and Lessig’s style. No criticism, I just like it when good memes take off. In this case, for people to listen to your talk, don’t give them the points on the slides. Just give them figures or images on the slides, no bulletpoints.

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